Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tagged again~

thnx 2 cikEyda for tagging me.hee.
Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:
-the most huggable teddy bear
-money! on a large amount.hee.
-heels.the comfortable one.
-ELLE watch!
-roxy's bag.
Senaraikan 5 perkara hebat yang perna anda lakukan :
-pretend to be a gud teacher,but actually,im not!
-purak-purak on the phone,padahal x.
-mkn smbl mngumpat.hbt ka 2?
-staying at home for one week!hbt kn?
-x sms-ing for one week oso.
Senaraikan 5 ciptaan yang disukai:
-handphone laa.
-my niece & nephew.
(mmg dciptakn utk aku)
Senaraikan 5 perkara yang dibenci:
-class pagi.
-pt masyukk.
Senaraikan 5 individu bertuah untuk di tag:
p/s : sygg, take note for the first list.hee.

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