td bjln-jln dgn coursemates.
mybe this is the last 4 this sem.
sgt besttt.
cam lupa sda ada paper lg mnanti.
we shud do this often guys!
ba.see the pictures jak la.
capek deh!

tuge marak yukk~hee.mmg sdp dekpi!

best gylak b*bi.
lastly,off to uitm around 5pm.
nsb baik mc ada bas.hehe.
p/s: finally i got the glads.but, still din out of my budget ok.thats the last 4 this sem.
ui p skul ka ni p be enjoy??
best plak arrr.. ahahhahaha
2la2.last sda ba kan.
2la bajalan-jalan 2.
kn mw blk twu sda.hehe.
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