1. im thinking too muchh.thats my problem.
2. sumtymes im unpredictable.
3. im ambitious and determined but i can get lazy and unmotivated at times.
4. im spontaneous!
5. im curious about everything.yepp.
6. im paying no attention for those who talk behind me.
7. im creative and imaginative.hehe.
8. im not really like to eat durian.thats weird ka?;-)
9. sumtymes im really confident but other times im feel insecure.
10. im dyan.i enjoy being unique.haha.
to nabila: thnx dear.now, im tagging eyann, nana, cikEyda, haney, and nadnod !
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
really² sad rite now.
poor me.
xtaw cmna mw kc kluar.
cant stand suda baa.
cm mw nangess.
tp xkuar juak airmata nie.
mnangis dlm hati? and its really hurts.
sabar dyannnn!!!!
be strongggggggg !
Allah menguji setiap hambaNya.
whatever happens, happens for a reason.
let it be !
poor me.
xtaw cmna mw kc kluar.
cant stand suda baa.
cm mw nangess.
tp xkuar juak airmata nie.
mnangis dlm hati? and its really hurts.
sabar dyannnn!!!!
be strongggggggg !
Allah menguji setiap hambaNya.
whatever happens, happens for a reason.
let it be !
gud moning CINTA~
meet the skulmates.
just a 'small reunion'.
si bed blk tawau.
(mcm mimpi jak tgk dia).
heee.ajak dia gi on9.
kaya suda kwnku nie.besala.study oversea.
elaun pon cm best.and elaun tu akn ttp dibagi even dia on hiatus rite now.
yg akujealous tekanan gylak vavi ngn dia nie sbb elaunnya akan d bank- in [dlm dollar].
yaa kwn².dlm dollar.anda tdk slh dgr.
dia trima 1200$ and apabila diconvert pi rm ialah-RM2400.
(*f.y.i,tukaran wang skrg dah turun.but still kaya juak ko bed.xpyh la ko keja)
sory i promote you!(:
hppy birthday to my gud fren!
amad & noii.
tua sda kamu !!

p/s : pning baa.
just a 'small reunion'.
si bed blk tawau.
(mcm mimpi jak tgk dia).
heee.ajak dia gi on9.
kaya suda kwnku nie.besala.study oversea.
elaun pon cm best.and elaun tu akn ttp dibagi even dia on hiatus rite now.
yg aku
yaa kwn².dlm dollar.anda tdk slh dgr.
dia trima 1200$ and apabila diconvert pi rm ialah-RM2400.
(*f.y.i,tukaran wang skrg dah turun.but still kaya juak ko bed.xpyh la ko keja)
sory i promote you!(:
hppy birthday to my gud fren!
amad & noii.
tua sda kamu !!

wanna watch this !
selamat pagi cinta.
selamat pagi cinta.
p/s : pning baa.
Friday, November 21, 2008
a pressie
tyme mo tdo sua nie.
aku trun pi bwh kjap coz mw minum.pastu tyme d dapur sda.
si pipi teriak."kak yennn"
aku balas."oiiii.napa?"
trs dia dtg and bg sumting.
"hppy bdayyy.'
aku yg ???.ngee.trs aku speechless ne.
owhh.she mean hppy blated bday.
coz tyme aku bday kan dia di kk.heehoo.
she gave me an alphabet keychain.cutee gylak..
thnx dekpi.tiapa.nnti i blnja you okeh!
i owe you pizza kn?ngee.
tyme mo tdo sua nie.
aku trun pi bwh kjap coz mw minum.pastu tyme d dapur sda.
si pipi teriak."kak yennn"
aku balas."oiiii.napa?"
trs dia dtg and bg sumting.
"hppy bdayyy.'
aku yg ???.ngee.trs aku speechless ne.
owhh.she mean hppy blated bday.
coz tyme aku bday kan dia di kk.heehoo.
she gave me an alphabet keychain.cutee gylak..
thnx dekpi.tiapa.nnti i blnja you okeh!
i owe you pizza kn?ngee.
the khatans
yesterday after blk keja headed to umie's house.
im too excited mw tgk my nephew yg dah berkhatan=ed.
hee.wah..mereka sudah menginjak ke alam dewasa.yeke?
and i was so surprised after saw them laying on the carpet and umie ikat sumting like tali or ntah la spya senang durang mw gerak² and xpyh mw angkat² lg thekain pelikat sarung.
aku apalagi.trsla amik pic durang.and dgn rela hati durang mw disnap.
yg lucunya tyme aku snap tu,aku tlampau bgerak kesana and kesini and aku tlanggar tali tu and all of them trs bteriak.and serentak.
"mcikk yennnnn!!!" sakitttt baaaaa!!"
pastu acara inteview blngsung.
aku tnyak la siapa first.pastu durang ckp si arif.
and si abg ni bckp "blng dokte tu kan aku plg last sebab anu ku kecik"
and i was wondering.apa knak mngenak plak kecik and besar nie?
ktawak juak aku skjap.
watever laa.
trs along angah (kembar) bckp.
"kami senang coz kami pnya anu besar"
and im wat-tha-heck?tmbh confius aku.
yg aku tau yg besar tu yg ssh.
cam tbalik plak sda.
itu yg i dgr la.ah!mana² laa.
and aku bgtau la ngn durg.
"skrg xbole sda mndi bogel and siapa² pun xbole tgkburung anu kamu tu"
durang angguk² jak.
pastu aku teingt plak what sygg told along angah kmarin mlm.
"kamu xbole pijak taik ayam"trs aku ktawak.
and aku ckp.
"xpyh kamu prcaya tu."
haha.ingtkn main².rupanya btl.
coz umie said to me.
"durg tu xbole pijak taik ayam and nnek ckp xbole mkn yg bkuah²"
humm.ntala.mybe itu just pntang larang nnek moyang kn.
yg pastinya msti ada sbbnya la.
heee.so,tgk la pic di bwah nie:

im too excited mw tgk my nephew yg dah berkhatan=ed.
hee.wah..mereka sudah menginjak ke alam dewasa.yeke?
and i was so surprised after saw them laying on the carpet and umie ikat sumting like tali or ntah la spya senang durang mw gerak² and xpyh mw angkat² lg the
aku apalagi.trsla amik pic durang.and dgn rela hati durang mw disnap.
yg lucunya tyme aku snap tu,aku tlampau bgerak kesana and kesini and aku tlanggar tali tu and all of them trs bteriak.and serentak.
"mcikk yennnnn!!!" sakitttt baaaaa!!"
pastu acara inteview blngsung.
aku tnyak la siapa first.pastu durang ckp si arif.
and si abg ni bckp "blng dokte tu kan aku plg last sebab anu ku kecik"
and i was wondering.apa knak mngenak plak kecik and besar nie?
ktawak juak aku skjap.
watever laa.
trs along angah (kembar) bckp.
"kami senang coz kami pnya anu besar"
and im wat-tha-heck?tmbh confius aku.
yg aku tau yg besar tu yg ssh.
cam tbalik plak sda.
itu yg i dgr la.ah!mana² laa.
and aku bgtau la ngn durg.
"skrg xbole sda mndi bogel and siapa² pun xbole tgk
durang angguk² jak.
pastu aku teingt plak what sygg told along angah kmarin mlm.
"kamu xbole pijak taik ayam"trs aku ktawak.
and aku ckp.
"xpyh kamu prcaya tu."
haha.ingtkn main².rupanya btl.
coz umie said to me.
"durg tu xbole pijak taik ayam and nnek ckp xbole mkn yg bkuah²"
humm.ntala.mybe itu just pntang larang nnek moyang kn.
yg pastinya msti ada sbbnya la.
heee.so,tgk la pic di bwah nie:
yg baju kaler merah tue si adam,ank buahku juak.turnnnya suda.
so,tyme utk bls dendam ngn yg lain.haha.yg lucunya, sngajak lagi dia main guli dpn² durg.
and yg lain hnya mmpu mnjelingg jak.sabarla nak~
so,tyme utk bls dendam ngn yg lain.haha.yg lucunya, sngajak lagi dia main guli dpn² durg.
and yg lain hnya mmpu mnjelingg jak.sabarla nak~
p/s : wanna ask sygg nnti,sakit btl ka ya?ngee.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
im dizzy
tagged by sheena syg
1) nama ?
Dian Yunita M.
2) alamat sekolah?
smk tawau.
3) pernah ada relationship ngan sape2??
yaa iyalah.heee.
4) warna kesukaan?
5) ciri2 lelaki/perempuan idaman?
sygg sama saya.haha.
6) impian yang dari dulu sampai sekarang belum tercapai?
7) latest girlfriend or boyfriend?
latest?incik rahman.hee.
8) tabiat yang x leh lupa/tinggalkan?
9) perkara yang terbest pernah dilakukan dalam hidup?
uiks.nda tau lagi.blum ada kali baaa.hee.
10) sifat2 diri korang?
imma shoppaholic but always didnt hve money.huhu.
11) sifat2 orang yang tag korang??hak3
dia sgtt chumil.;-)
12) status sekarang?
taken && loving him.
13) nickname?
dyan or iyen.
14) what do you most like about yourself??
i am me.heehoo.
15) ada benda2 yang buatkan korang trauma??
16) the best thing that you like to do?
17) adik beradik berape orang?
18) harapan untuk orang yang tag korang?
.keep in tagging me ya.haha.
19) gender??
female laa.
20) age?
Dian Yunita M.
2) alamat sekolah?
smk tawau.
3) pernah ada relationship ngan sape2??
yaa iyalah.heee.
4) warna kesukaan?
5) ciri2 lelaki/perempuan idaman?
sygg sama saya.haha.
6) impian yang dari dulu sampai sekarang belum tercapai?
7) latest girlfriend or boyfriend?
latest?incik rahman.hee.
8) tabiat yang x leh lupa/tinggalkan?
9) perkara yang terbest pernah dilakukan dalam hidup?
uiks.nda tau lagi.blum ada kali baaa.hee.
10) sifat2 diri korang?
imma shoppaholic but always didnt hve money.huhu.
11) sifat2 orang yang tag korang??hak3
dia sgtt chumil.;-)
12) status sekarang?
taken && loving him.
13) nickname?
dyan or iyen.
14) what do you most like about yourself??
i am me.heehoo.
15) ada benda2 yang buatkan korang trauma??
16) the best thing that you like to do?
17) adik beradik berape orang?
18) harapan untuk orang yang tag korang?
.keep in tagging me ya.haha.
19) gender??
female laa.
20) age?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
what is that?
actually its a stands for Man In My Life.
who's the Man In My Life?
ndak la.saja² jak bwat entry ni.
boring kann.
actually,ini adalah diantara lelaki² yg saya adore.
itu jak.ok.
jom tengok.
Firstly :

Jonathan Benette
Thirdly :

what is that?
actually its a stands for Man In My Life.
who's the Man In My Life?
ndak la.saja² jak bwat entry ni.
boring kann.
actually,ini adalah diantara lelaki² yg saya adore.
itu jak.ok.
jom tengok.
Firstly :

Adam Sandler
Aku start minat ngn dia ni after tgk filem 50 First Date.romantikkk gylakkk.
cair aku owhhh.ndak pandai ptus asa mw ngorat si Drew Barrymore.hehe.
cair aku owhhh.ndak pandai ptus asa mw ngorat si Drew Barrymore.hehe.

yg ini lagii cuteeee.
minat dia after tgk Mean Girls.klu dia sinyumm niee.
aduss.copot jantung gue!
minat dia after tgk Mean Girls.klu dia sinyumm niee.
aduss.copot jantung gue!
Thirdly :

Enrique Iglesias
This is my bf!auww.
sgtt minat sama dia.his mole sama dgn mine kan?haha.
tp dia besar ckit laa.perasan
sgtt minat sama dia.his mole sama dgn mine kan?haha.
tp dia besar ckit laa.
Forthly :
yg ini xpyh ckpla.suaranya ni mmg blh bwat gadis² diluar sana cair.
klu dpt bckp ngn dia face to face.huhu.xbole aku imagine.
yg ini saya sgttmw kawin cinta sma dia.
Love you even more and more and more.
(for those yg mw muntah if reading this,soryy.hee)
klu dpt bckp ngn dia face to face.huhu.xbole aku imagine.
Fifthly :
Lastly :
aku minat ngn dia after dgr dia azan d tv9.
suaranyaaa.merduu.and klu dia bg motivasi,konfem masok dlm kpalak hotak.
suaranyaaa.merduu.and klu dia bg motivasi,konfem masok dlm kpalak hotak.
Lastly :
yg ini saya sgtt
Love you even more and more and more.
(for those yg mw muntah if reading this,soryy.hee)
p/s : anik,ko pnya feveret man sepa?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
i woke up early this morning.
smlm tido awal.
kul 8.30 aku tido sua.
macam pnat btul ba.
mcm jak keja kontrak.
sygg kol pn cm mamai² jak aku bckp.
(i cam pnat btol la sygg)
im pms again.
again && again.
p/s: mybe nnti mw meet up ngn amek.cippokku~
smlm tido awal.
kul 8.30 aku tido sua.
macam pnat btul ba.
mcm jak keja kontrak.
sygg kol pn cm mamai² jak aku bckp.
(i cam pnat btol la sygg)
im pms again.
again && again.
p/s: mybe nnti mw meet up ngn amek.cippokku~
Friday, November 14, 2008
oh ALFIE !
currently me lyke this song.
Enjoy the video clip.
Owhh Lily! You're so vintage!
Dia ni ala² Katy Perry juak.
kiutt juak dia niee.
soree pon sedaap!
Ooooo deary me,
My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed,
I tell him he should get up cos it's nearly half past three
He can't be bothered cos he's high on THC.
I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea,
I can't even see him cos the room is so smoky,
Don't understand how one can watch so much TV,
My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.
Oooooo I only say it cos I care,
So please can you stop pulling my hair.
Now, now there's no need to swear,
Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.
Ooooo Alfie get up it's a brand new day,
I just can't sit back and watch you waste your life away
You need to get a job because the bills need to get paid.
Get off your lazy arse,
Alfie please use your brain
Surely there's some walls out there that you can go and spray,
I'm feeling guilty for leading you astray,
Now how the hell do you ever expect that you'll get laid,
When all you do is stay and play on your computer games?
Oh little brother please refrain from doing that,
I'm trying to help you out so can you stop being a twat.
It's time that you and I sat down and had a little chat,
And look me in the eyes take off that stupid fitted cap.
Please don't despair
Please don't despair
Mon frere
Dia ni ala² Katy Perry juak.
kiutt juak dia niee.
soree pon sedaap!
Ooooo deary me,
My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed,
I tell him he should get up cos it's nearly half past three
He can't be bothered cos he's high on THC.
I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea,
I can't even see him cos the room is so smoky,
Don't understand how one can watch so much TV,
My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.
Oooooo I only say it cos I care,
So please can you stop pulling my hair.
Now, now there's no need to swear,
Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.
Ooooo Alfie get up it's a brand new day,
I just can't sit back and watch you waste your life away
You need to get a job because the bills need to get paid.
Get off your lazy arse,
Alfie please use your brain
Surely there's some walls out there that you can go and spray,
I'm feeling guilty for leading you astray,
Now how the hell do you ever expect that you'll get laid,
When all you do is stay and play on your computer games?
Oh little brother please refrain from doing that,
I'm trying to help you out so can you stop being a twat.
It's time that you and I sat down and had a little chat,
And look me in the eyes take off that stupid fitted cap.
Please don't despair
Please don't despair
Mon frere
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
''There’s always going to be people that hurt you , so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.''
p/s: suddenly remembering about yesterday.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
tagged from eyann
miss eyann tagging me.thnx darl.first tyme nie.
name : Dian Yunita M.
nick name : dyan & iyen.
age : 21 babe.
residency : tawau ku syg.
hp num : mw d ltak juak ka? 016***2047.ngeee.
first love : my sygggg.;-)
best buddies : the cippokers & the bff!
hobbies : shopping,online,hangout & shopping again.
ambition : huh.im thinking nw.
religion : muslim
height : idk.hehe.
weight : 40kg.(poor me)
date of birth : 2 March 1987.
place of birth : Tawau Hospital.
shoe size : 5.
shirt size : S, M.
jeans size : 25,26
fav.food : nasik ayam,pizza,kfc.
fav.drinks : milky tea & ice lemon tea
fav.singers : madonna,pink,katy perry & ziana zain
fav.songs : i kissed a girl, terima kasih chinta, & lucky.
fav.movie : 50 first dates!
fav.tv shows : desperate housewives,dec.conan.
my worries : idk.huhu.
my happiness : syggg & all of them that i loved.
fav.color : purpleee & white.
what do i need : i need a vacation!
who i miss : all my besties.
when i get married : soon.;-)
habits : boros!
good qualities : idk.huhu.
bad qualities : ask them.;-)
sweet memories : too many,
if ur bf cheats on you, what do you do : yippeeee.:D
can : hangout satu ari,smpi xingt pulang.
can't : cry infront of the crowd.
hate : painting & drawing.
like : taking picca,& did i mentioned shopping?
when someone make me cry : pretending to be hppy.;-)
when someone make me happy : hearts them.
when someone make me angry : just ignore 'em.
the most important thing in the world : my family.
if "crazy" human chat with me, what is the action : im acting crazily too :D
does anyone hurt you before : yaa.:-(
how : cant recall it.wuwuwu.
action : tears pour down.im not strong babe.
afraid : Allah s.w.t
last words : Never frown,when you're sad bcause you never know
who is falling in love with your smile.
nick name : dyan & iyen.
age : 21 babe.
residency : tawau ku syg.
hp num : mw d ltak juak ka? 016***2047.ngeee.
first love : my sygggg.;-)
best buddies : the cippokers & the bff!
hobbies : shopping,online,hangout & shopping again.
ambition : huh.im thinking nw.
religion : muslim
height : idk.hehe.
weight : 40kg.(poor me)
date of birth : 2 March 1987.
place of birth : Tawau Hospital.
shoe size : 5.
shirt size : S, M.
jeans size : 25,26
fav.food : nasik ayam,pizza,kfc.
fav.drinks : milky tea & ice lemon tea
fav.singers : madonna,pink,katy perry & ziana zain
fav.songs : i kissed a girl, terima kasih chinta, & lucky.
fav.movie : 50 first dates!
fav.tv shows : desperate housewives,dec.conan.
my worries : idk.huhu.
my happiness : syggg & all of them that i loved.
fav.color : purpleee & white.
what do i need : i need a vacation!
who i miss : all my besties.
when i get married : soon.;-)
habits : boros!
good qualities : idk.huhu.
bad qualities : ask them.;-)
sweet memories : too many,
if ur bf cheats on you, what do you do : yippeeee.:D
can : hangout satu ari,smpi xingt pulang.
can't : cry infront of the crowd.
hate : painting & drawing.
like : taking picca,& did i mentioned shopping?
when someone make me cry : pretending to be hppy.;-)
when someone make me happy : hearts them.
when someone make me angry : just ignore 'em.
the most important thing in the world : my family.
if "crazy" human chat with me, what is the action : im acting crazily too :D
does anyone hurt you before : yaa.:-(
how : cant recall it.wuwuwu.
action : tears pour down.im not strong babe.
afraid : Allah s.w.t
last words : Never frown,when you're sad bcause you never know
who is falling in love with your smile.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
pakcik yg gatalness
aku bwat entry ini sbab aku rasa mgkin bkn aku jak yg pernah mngalami situasi ini.
heeee.so.kamu baca jak laaaaa.
lucuk plak tajuknya kan.
tapik itulah kenyataannya.
aku slalu tjumpa dgn pacik² yg gatal nie.
ksian kan.kadang klu d ingat blk takut juak aku owhh.
ada pernah hari tu aku naik bas mw gi skola.(smk twu).
ada klas kmputer.kena la trun pagii.bas skola ku xhntar plak hri 2.
so,pi smk msti la naik bas kmpung jawa kn.
tyme tu aku la pnumpang yg last naik.jadii aku dduk la d sebla pacik² nie.
coz xda sda seat yg kosong.:-(
ptama tu okey lagii.tp tyme belok² suda.uinaaa.trs la dia rapat² juak.
mentang² la aku ni bdk skola.nda tau apa².eiiiii.diam² jak aku tyme 2.
nda tau la cmna mo dscribe prasaan ku tyme 2.kambenggg baaa.
memaki dlm atie jak la.%&*#!
pastu kamu mw tau?tyme aku mw trun tue.sempat lagik dia meraba blkng ku.
eeeiiii.b*** btul ba pacik nie.cubakla anakmu dikasi gitu.siaaaal!
pegal baa.
naa.bkn itu jak.
ada lagii.
tyme aku form5.mw gi umah nnek.d esbok.
huhu.ni lagi sandiiii.
bas yg aku naik tu tinggal dua tmpt dduk lagii kosong.
tmpt dduk di sebla ku dgn ada satu pompuan or kakak ni la yg pkai tdung labuh.
so aku nie pndai ckit la tyme ni.aku ltak beg ku d sebla ku.beg ku kn besar.spya xblh la org suka² atie dduk.
pastu ada la satu pacik² beumur la naik nie.dlm 40lebii la kali umurnya tue.
kmu bygkan laa.bulih² lagi dia ckp ngn aku.
"dek,cni xda org ka?blh ambil beg ni?"
aduiiiiiiiii.mw juak dduk d sebla ku baa.napa dia xdduk d sebla kakak yg pkai tdung labuh tue?
dasar pacik gatalllllllllll.
naa.sambung lagik.bkn main lagi dia rapat².smpi bsentuh² nie dgn lenganku.
aku xtahan sda.trs aku ckp"pacik minta maaf ya.saya mw trun."
trs aku trun and naik cab jak aku blk esbok.
kira bagusla tue aku ckp sopan².mgkin malu juak dia tue coz tyme aku trun smua urang dlm bas tue tgk² dia.
naa.padan mukak mu!eiii.geram aku baa.
kpd sapa² yg prnah pernah mgalami situasi yg same ngn aku nie.
aku juz blh ckp.kita msti BERANI utk bersuara.
klu ndak ,smpi bila² jak kita d kasi buduh².
uihhh.puas atie ku ba.
kpd pacik² yg diluar sana yg slalu bwat bgini dgn gadis² yg ayu cam aku nie(auww).
berhenti laa.
nnti ank² kamu ka,adik² kamu ka yg dikasi bgitu.apa prasaan kmu?
p/s: tadi be-ym ngn c jida.haha.lama xcrita² ngan dia.gud luck to you my fren!
heeee.so.kamu baca jak laaaaa.
lucuk plak tajuknya kan.
tapik itulah kenyataannya.
aku slalu tjumpa dgn pacik² yg gatal nie.
ksian kan.kadang klu d ingat blk takut juak aku owhh.
ada pernah hari tu aku naik bas mw gi skola.(smk twu).
ada klas kmputer.kena la trun pagii.bas skola ku xhntar plak hri 2.
so,pi smk msti la naik bas kmpung jawa kn.
tyme tu aku la pnumpang yg last naik.jadii aku dduk la d sebla pacik² nie.
coz xda sda seat yg kosong.:-(
ptama tu okey lagii.tp tyme belok² suda.uinaaa.trs la dia rapat² juak.
mentang² la aku ni bdk skola.nda tau apa².eiiiii.diam² jak aku tyme 2.
nda tau la cmna mo dscribe prasaan ku tyme 2.kambenggg baaa.
memaki dlm atie jak la.%&*#!
pastu kamu mw tau?tyme aku mw trun tue.sempat lagik dia meraba blkng ku.
eeeiiii.b*** btul ba pacik nie.cubakla anakmu dikasi gitu.siaaaal!
pegal baa.
naa.bkn itu jak.
ada lagii.
tyme aku form5.mw gi umah nnek.d esbok.
huhu.ni lagi sandiiii.
bas yg aku naik tu tinggal dua tmpt dduk lagii kosong.
tmpt dduk di sebla ku dgn ada satu pompuan or kakak ni la yg pkai tdung labuh.
so aku nie pndai ckit la tyme ni.aku ltak beg ku d sebla ku.beg ku kn besar.spya xblh la org suka² atie dduk.
pastu ada la satu pacik² beumur la naik nie.dlm 40lebii la kali umurnya tue.
kmu bygkan laa.bulih² lagi dia ckp ngn aku.
"dek,cni xda org ka?blh ambil beg ni?"
aduiiiiiiiii.mw juak dduk d sebla ku baa.napa dia xdduk d sebla kakak yg pkai tdung labuh tue?
dasar pacik gatalllllllllll.
naa.sambung lagik.bkn main lagi dia rapat².smpi bsentuh² nie dgn lenganku.
aku xtahan sda.trs aku ckp"pacik minta maaf ya.saya mw trun."
trs aku trun and naik cab jak aku blk esbok.
kira bagusla tue aku ckp sopan².mgkin malu juak dia tue coz tyme aku trun smua urang dlm bas tue tgk² dia.
naa.padan mukak mu!eiii.geram aku baa.
kpd sapa² yg prnah pernah mgalami situasi yg same ngn aku nie.
aku juz blh ckp.kita msti BERANI utk bersuara.
klu ndak ,smpi bila² jak kita d kasi buduh².
uihhh.puas atie ku ba.
kpd pacik² yg diluar sana yg slalu bwat bgini dgn gadis² yg ayu cam aku nie(auww).
berhenti laa.
nnti ank² kamu ka,adik² kamu ka yg dikasi bgitu.apa prasaan kmu?
p/s: tadi be-ym ngn c jida.haha.lama xcrita² ngan dia.gud luck to you my fren!
Monday, November 3, 2008
apple's graduation.
Last weekend was apple's (FIfi Idzan Syazwani) graduation.
uiii.graduate ba sda anak buahku niee.
pandaii sua dia membaca.klu suh ambilkn aku pnya hp ka,
habiss dibacanya suma message²ku.heee.
uiii.graduate ba sda anak buahku niee.
pandaii sua dia membaca.klu suh ambilkn aku pnya hp ka,
habiss dibacanya suma message²ku.heee.
The event telah blangsung di Auditorium Perpustakaan Tawau.
So,aku ni pigila support ank buahku yg agak² bole tahan la keChomellannnya nie.
Bole² lagi dia ckp ngn aku "mcik yen klu mo masok tempat tu,msti pkai tudung blng cikguku"
naaa.xpala.i mmg pkai tudung pun.ngeeeeeeee.
Dia ikut nasyid lagii ba.blk² dia ckp"Macik Yen,klu aku nyanyi nnti,mcik yen gambar aku yahh".
500 kali dia ckp gitu.stiap kali dia ckp tu,tpksa juak aku mngangguk.Jaga hati beb.
Nanti nanges plak dia.suaranya klu nanges tu bkn main lagii.sgt ssh utk ditandingi.
Lpas hbs acara trs gi mkn di W&L (MB HoteL).hoho.ndak sempat kmi breakfast kn.;-)
so,inilah pix² yg sempat d ambil.Layan~
So,aku ni pigila support ank buahku yg agak² bole tahan la keChomellannnya nie.
Bole² lagi dia ckp ngn aku "mcik yen klu mo masok tempat tu,msti pkai tudung blng cikguku"
naaa.xpala.i mmg pkai tudung pun.ngeeeeeeee.
Dia ikut nasyid lagii ba.blk² dia ckp"Macik Yen,klu aku nyanyi nnti,mcik yen gambar aku yahh".
500 kali dia ckp gitu.stiap kali dia ckp tu,tpksa juak aku mngangguk.Jaga hati beb.
Nanti nanges plak dia.suaranya klu nanges tu bkn main lagii.sgt ssh utk ditandingi.
Lpas hbs acara trs gi mkn di W&L (MB HoteL).hoho.ndak sempat kmi breakfast kn.;-)
so,inilah pix² yg sempat d ambil.Layan~

Saturday, November 1, 2008
yayyy !
yayyyy! i had reserve this purple bag from OUR LITTLE ALMARI.
so cuteee.blum ada lg baa bag ku kaler purple.
thnx to nina.the owner of OLA. ;-)
andd to my friends out there.
try la online shopping nie.murahh lagii.
so cuteee.blum ada lg baa bag ku kaler purple.
thnx to nina.the owner of OLA. ;-)
andd to my friends out there.
try la online shopping nie.murahh lagii.
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